Q-Slim ST3®

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Q-slim ST3®:For Starters with BMI higher than 25– Feel the Effects Better and Faster
Contents:120 Capsules (3 caps×2servings×20days)
     Carrot Fiber
     Glucomannan (from konjac root)
     Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride)
     Pullulan (capsules)
Unit Price:6980 yen


From weight loss to fat loss:

If Leptin levels can be lowered, then the body is signaled to release stored and dietary fat for other purposes, most predominately as energy.

  • The breakthrough resolution for lowering Leptin levels and converting stored and dietary fat into energy and other metabolic purposes is Q-Slim®.
  • Q-Slim® provides solutions for a host of diseases that are plaguing our society,including metabolic syndrome.
  • Q-Slim® safely and effectively lowers Leptin levels and keeps Leptin balanced and at healthy low levels so that stored fat is continuously being used as energy.
  • Q-Slim® reduces Leptin and reduces the rate of inflammation. Inflammation is considered by leading scientists to be responsible for a number of metabolic problems which result in unwanted weight gain and obesity. Low grade, internal, invisible inflammation along with high Leptin levels is at the very basis of excess body fat and the inability to lose excess or unwanted fat.
  • Q-Slim® works by lowering Leptin, signaling to the body to use stored and dietary fat as energy.
  • Q-Slim® reduces stored and dietary fat while preserving and in fact, increasing lean muscle.
  • The result is a significantly improved fat to muscle percentage (ratio).


If you…

  • Have struggled to lose weight
  • Have lost weight only to regain it
  • Only have 10 or 15 lbs. to lose, but can’t quite do it
  • Are a healthy weight but still can’t get rid of those final fat deposits
  • Find it increasingly difficult to lose weight as you get older
  • Are seriously considering bariatric surgery
  • Have been told by your doctor to lose weight due to health problems
  • Have a child who is teased about being heavy